Tuesday, March 14, 2017

New Twist- Request from Jen Hutchcroft - All's Well that Ends Well, III, vi - Second Lord

Trying something new with the monologue project.  I am now taking requests. This one is from Jen Hutchcroft and it is in honor of the Commander in Brief.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Monologue #5 Revisited King Lear, I, ii - Edmond

Sorry for not getting this posted yesterday, but for whatever reason, this one seemed to fight against all methods of posting.  I couldn't get it to load to YouTube from my phone, and all other methods I tried, met wit complete failure.  Finally found a pathway through the resistance by uploading it to drive then using my office computer to post to the blog.  You can't block Shakespeare!  He will find a way through the muck! Illegitimi non carborundum!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Monologue # 4 Revisited - Much Ado About Nothing, IV, ii - Dogberry

One of my favorite characters from Shakespeare!  This monologue is fitting for many of our public officials today.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Monologue # 3 Revisited Macbeth, I, vii - Macbeth

Macbeth struggles with his doubts, now that Duncan is in the castle.  I'm posting this a day early as I am at at KCACTF Region V in Des Moines.  I have time this morning, but might not tomorrow,

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Monologue #2 Revisited - Macbeth, II, iii - The Porter

You can find some good comic monologues in the tragedies.  I have always been fond of the Porter.  He gives us the first recorded instance of the "knock, knock" joke, and in this monologue he discusses those things that are provoked by drink.  Have a pint and enjoy!  I also added a bit of product placement with my Shakespeare's Pizza t-shirt.  You never know,  maybe they could support this blog by becoming a sponsor!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Monologue #1 Revisited - Sir Thomas More, Act II, scene iv

Here I offer a comparison form last year to this year.  Probably better last year, but I will continue to work it as I like to use this for auditions.

I was inspired to explore this monologue because of the ongoing crisis with Syrian refugees.  I am sad that it is still relevant.