Thursday, March 31, 2016

Monologue #18 Merchant of Venice, II, ii - Launcelot Gobbo

Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be performing in a production of Merchant of Venice in Italy this summer.  I offer this monologue up as an appeal to the GOP to consider me for the vacant slot on the Supreme Court.  At least give me a vote!  The big question is, "Congress! Will you be ruled by your conscience or the fiend?" #Shakespeare52 #Shakespearemonologues

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Monologue #17 King Richard II, IV, i - Richard II

As we approach Easter weekend I give you a monologue which makes reference to the story of Judas' betrayal of Christ.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Monologue # 16 In honor of World Poetry and World Puppetry Day

In honor of World Poetry and World Puppetry Day, I give you a controversial poem read by puppet Shakespeare.  It is thought that it may have been read by Shakespeare as an epilogue to As You Like It for a court performance on Shrove Tuesday in 1599.  It was discovered over 30 years ago on the back of an envelope in a notebook belonging to Henry Stanford who worked for The Lord Chamberlain who was in charge of court performances.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Monologue #15 Shakespeare's Sonnet 50

In honor of World Poetry Day on Monday, March 21, I give you Shakespeare's sonnet 50.  Enjoy, and then post your own!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Monologue # 14 - This afternoon I decided I wanted to try to do a monologue for St. Patrick's Day, and after some quick research I found that Shakespeare really only wrote one Irish character.  So, this evening after No Exit rehearsal, I worked up this monologue from Henry V in about an hour to make it under the wire on the East coast.  Enjoy!

Monologue #13 - 12th Night, V, i - Malvolio

Another Facebook quiz guided me to Twelfth Night.  This is one of my favorite comedies.  I loved doing this show with some good friends and colleagues, Jan Swank, Ron Moyer, Sam Williams, Jason Rueter, Ryan Parker Knox, Si Issler, and Christine Bennett.  I know I'm leaving important people out, bUT the fog of time is taking its toll.  I played Toby Belch in that production, so I decided to channel Jan Swank, and try Malvolio.  Enjoy, then post your own video.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Monologue #12 - JULIUS CAESAR, II, ii - Antony

Our primary falls on the Ides of March this year.   This was recorded Saturday afternoon at the Iowa Capitol building.  Felt a bit rushed in the misty rain, waning light, and looming presence of state troopers.  Thanks to Chris and Martin for waiting patiently in the van.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Monologue #11 - MACBETH, V, I - Lady Macbeth

Today's monologue comes by way of a challenge to play one of Shakespeare's female characters.  I then took a Facebook quiz to determine which character  to play.  If you were a Ying attention to Facebook over the weekend you will have a good idea if what monologue will be released tomorrow. I filmed it in Iowa on Saturday afternoon.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Monologue # 10 As You Like It, II, vii - Jaques

The ages of man had to be included!  Don't miss the training video, then go out and record your own doing what you love to do; whether it be jogging, biking, cooking, eating, drinking, fishing, sleeping or just standing on a stage and acting!  Really, just try acting!

As You Like It Training Video - Jogging with the Bard.

This represents part of the training process with a Shakespearean monologue.  Start your day off right, the Shakespearean way!  Earlier this morning I realized that I didn't have my ear bud for my morning run, so I decided to go sans technology.  Whilst running I was amazed that I wasn't bored out of my skull, but rather, I was quite entertained by the morning sounds.  Then I remembered that I would often work on lines and scenes whilst running.  Since I'm working on the Shakespeare 52 Monologues project, I figured I'd work on the As You Like It monologue during my run.  After completing the 4 miles without technology, I took my son to school and headed over to campus with my phone to record this video, then I went straight to the theatre to record the official version.  Enjoy this training video and look for the official 10th video of the project to be posted after I get back home and get some breakfast.  BTW distracted running of doing a selfie video, whilst running and doing Shakespeare is not recommended on public thoroughfares.  Campus and park atmospheres only please.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Monologue #8 - The Tempest IV, i - Prospero

After realizing that Charity-Mika Woodard's art show "Wet" was closing at the end of this week, I had to spring into action.  I wanted to utilize the water lighting effect on location, so on Wednesday I found a piece  from the Tempest, worked on it before and between classes, and attempted to record it.  It's tricky enough to record selfie-videos, but doing so in a public location is an added challenge.  I hope I didn't freak to many people out as I was crouched down at the entrance to the gallery for 45 minutes!  In a future blog I will attempt to document my process.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Monologue #7 - Hamlet, II, ii - Hamlet

I'll never play Hamlet, and I love it when Shakespeare allows his characters to talk about the the power of theatre.