Wednesday, March 9, 2016

As You Like It Training Video - Jogging with the Bard.

This represents part of the training process with a Shakespearean monologue.  Start your day off right, the Shakespearean way!  Earlier this morning I realized that I didn't have my ear bud for my morning run, so I decided to go sans technology.  Whilst running I was amazed that I wasn't bored out of my skull, but rather, I was quite entertained by the morning sounds.  Then I remembered that I would often work on lines and scenes whilst running.  Since I'm working on the Shakespeare 52 Monologues project, I figured I'd work on the As You Like It monologue during my run.  After completing the 4 miles without technology, I took my son to school and headed over to campus with my phone to record this video, then I went straight to the theatre to record the official version.  Enjoy this training video and look for the official 10th video of the project to be posted after I get back home and get some breakfast.  BTW distracted running of doing a selfie video, whilst running and doing Shakespeare is not recommended on public thoroughfares.  Campus and park atmospheres only please.

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