Monday, May 30, 2016

Shakespeare in South Dakota, The Paddlefish

As I continue to work on THE WINTER'S TALE, please take time to contemplate the plight of the paddlefish.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Rehearsal Break

No new monologue this week.  I am currently in rehearsals for THE WINTER'S TALE, with the South Dakota Shakespeare Festival.  Great group to work with!  We open June 9th, so if you happen to be in the area, check us out!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Monologue # 28 The Two Gentlemen of Verona, II, iii - Launce

Yes, it's been a while, but I finally made it over to Marshall's famous landmark, Jim the Wonder dog Park to record this monologue.  My students had a successful run of our Celebration of Shakespeare, and most of them survived finals.  I was shocked and honored to receive the John McCallum Excellence in Teaching Award.   I recorded this after a beautiful day of biking 35 miles.  I celebrated with a delicious grilled ribyey, and a bakes sweet potato. Tomorrow I head to South Dakota, to begin rehearsals for South Dakota Shakespeare Festival's production of The Winter's Tale.  Enjoy, share, and post your own!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Not a new monologue, but some fun with some old ones.

I have been spending too much time on my bike, and finishing up end of the year stuff, and not enough time memorizing Shakespeare.  I also spent some time messing with some editing last Friday, and came up with this.