Saturday, April 23, 2016

Monologue #25 -Henry VIII, V, v - Henry VIII

For monologue #25 I am holding a contest.  I am asking you to choose between the 2 takes of this monologue.  Also, can you identify the "little one" Henry VIII is referring  to?  Please vote your preference in the comments.
Take #1
Take #2
Please choose the take you prefer!


  1. I really liked take 2, however the end of take 1 is a gem

  2. I really liked take 2, however the end of take 1 is a gem

  3. Absolutely #1, and bravo to Chris on the cameo.

    and, I believe "this little one" is referring to Elizabeth I.


Please share your own monologues, or your version of the one's posted.