Thursday, December 29, 2016

Monologue #46 Cymbiline, V, v - Posthumus

Only 6 more to go!  This also marks the moment when I have included a monologue from each of Shakespeare's surviving plays.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Monologue #33 Pericles, Prince of Tyre V, i - Pericles

Still moving forward.  The process is invigorating!  You should try it.  Pick a monologue, and see how quickly you can throw it down, then move on to the next one.  Remember, momentum is your friend!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Monologue 32 - Coriolanus III, iii - Coriolanus

Back in the saddle again!  After two months of languishing, I'm ready to start working on new material again!  Time to get cranking!  Enjoy, share, record some of your own and share as well.  #shakespeare52monologues #Shakespeare52

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Monologue # 30 - A sampler from The Winter's Tale

Here we have a song and a couple of monologues from The Winter's Tale.  I'm counting them as one.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Monologue #29 - The Winter's Tale, IV, iv - Autolycus

Part of marking the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's passing was doing The Winter's Tale with the South Dakota Shakespeare Festival.  I wanted a chance to do this monologue without the cuts, which can be tricky after a few performances.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Shakespeare in South Dakota, The Paddlefish

As I continue to work on THE WINTER'S TALE, please take time to contemplate the plight of the paddlefish.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Rehearsal Break

No new monologue this week.  I am currently in rehearsals for THE WINTER'S TALE, with the South Dakota Shakespeare Festival.  Great group to work with!  We open June 9th, so if you happen to be in the area, check us out!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Monologue # 28 The Two Gentlemen of Verona, II, iii - Launce

Yes, it's been a while, but I finally made it over to Marshall's famous landmark, Jim the Wonder dog Park to record this monologue.  My students had a successful run of our Celebration of Shakespeare, and most of them survived finals.  I was shocked and honored to receive the John McCallum Excellence in Teaching Award.   I recorded this after a beautiful day of biking 35 miles.  I celebrated with a delicious grilled ribyey, and a bakes sweet potato. Tomorrow I head to South Dakota, to begin rehearsals for South Dakota Shakespeare Festival's production of The Winter's Tale.  Enjoy, share, and post your own!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Not a new monologue, but some fun with some old ones.

I have been spending too much time on my bike, and finishing up end of the year stuff, and not enough time memorizing Shakespeare.  I also spent some time messing with some editing last Friday, and came up with this.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Monologue #27 Romeo and Juliet, I, i - Prince

I chose this monologue as a tribute to Prince.  When I heard of his passing, it hit me like a punch in the gut.  I didn't expect that.  I asked myself, "Is there something from Shakespeare I could do as a tribute?"  The first image that popped into my head was the Prince moment in The Complete Works of Shakespeare, Abridged.  I had been struggling with what monologue to do from that play, and I now had my answer.  Thank you Prince, for this, and so much more!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Monologue #26 The Two Noble Kinsmen, V, iv - Theseus

From one of Shakespeare's final plays.  My next monologue will be in honor of Prince.  Any guesses as to what monologue I'm working on?

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Monologue #25 -Henry VIII, V, v - Henry VIII

For monologue #25 I am holding a contest.  I am asking you to choose between the 2 takes of this monologue.  Also, can you identify the "little one" Henry VIII is referring  to?  Please vote your preference in the comments.
Take #1
Take #2
Please choose the take you prefer!

Happy Deathiversary!

Happy Deathiversary!  I started my celeration with pie and ice cream.  I will post a new monologue later today, but first I'm heading out to celebrate with a bike ride.  Please enjoy the monologues I've posted thus far(I include the first oe here), and feel free to share on Facebook and other social media to help fill the web with Shakespeare!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Monologue #24 The Double Falsehood (Cardenio) I, i - Duke Angelo

Since April 23 will mark the anniversary of the passing of both Shakespeare and Cervantes, I thought it would be fitting to include a monologue from this controversial work.  It is based on a 1612 English translation of Cervantes' Don Quixote, it was published in 1728 by Lewis Theobald.  Theobald claimed to have based his version on three of Shakespeare's original manuscripts which were later destroyed in a fire.  It has been suggested that Shakespeare collaborated with John Fletcher on the original in 1613.  Last year researchers at the University of Texas used text analysis software to determine the the play was most likely written by Shakespeare. So in honor of Shakespeare and Cervantes,  I give you a monologue from The History of Cardenio or The Double Falsehood, or The Distressed Lovers!  The photo is from a production of Man of La Mancha, I directed at the Black Hills Playhouse several years ago.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Monologue #23 Henry VI part 2, I, ii - Hume

Next up for this week leading up to the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's passing, I give you a monologue from one of his earliest plays.  Please take the time this week to fill the web with Shakespeare!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Monologue # 22 Macbeth, V, v - Macbeth

I was reluctant to do this one, because I've already done 3 from Macbeth, but as this is the week I am trying to encourage others to post videos , and as this was the first monologue from Shakespeare I had to memorize (thank you Sandra Sklavos! R.I.P.), I felt I had to.  Plus I had a dream last night that I recorded it, so I decided that Miss Sklavos was compelling me to do it!  Enjoy, share, and post your own!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Monologue #21 - Othello, I, iii - Iago

I had to fight the temptation to do this as Gilbert Godfried!  Now I almost have to give that a shot, but for now, please enjoy, share, and get off your butt and make your own! 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Monologue #20 - Richard III, IV, iv - King Richard III

So, I decided to work on Richard the III during tech week of No Exit. Well, the show has opened, the video has been posted, and now its time to celebrate National Beer Day!  Enjoy, share, and post your own!  I started my day with a 15 mile bike ride, and I conclude it with some Shakesbeer!  Cheers!

Friday, April 1, 2016

April Fools Monologue from a "Recently Discovered Fragment of a Lost Tragedy"

Experts have applied complex algorithms to confirm that these recently discovered fragment is most likely from a tragedy written by Shakespeare during his more mature phase as a playwright. OK, nobody fell for the April Fools prank.  I channeled  the Improvised Shakespeare company, and improvised the "lost" soliloquy.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Monologue #18 Merchant of Venice, II, ii - Launcelot Gobbo

Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be performing in a production of Merchant of Venice in Italy this summer.  I offer this monologue up as an appeal to the GOP to consider me for the vacant slot on the Supreme Court.  At least give me a vote!  The big question is, "Congress! Will you be ruled by your conscience or the fiend?" #Shakespeare52 #Shakespearemonologues

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Monologue #17 King Richard II, IV, i - Richard II

As we approach Easter weekend I give you a monologue which makes reference to the story of Judas' betrayal of Christ.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Monologue # 16 In honor of World Poetry and World Puppetry Day

In honor of World Poetry and World Puppetry Day, I give you a controversial poem read by puppet Shakespeare.  It is thought that it may have been read by Shakespeare as an epilogue to As You Like It for a court performance on Shrove Tuesday in 1599.  It was discovered over 30 years ago on the back of an envelope in a notebook belonging to Henry Stanford who worked for The Lord Chamberlain who was in charge of court performances.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Monologue #15 Shakespeare's Sonnet 50

In honor of World Poetry Day on Monday, March 21, I give you Shakespeare's sonnet 50.  Enjoy, and then post your own!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Monologue # 14 - This afternoon I decided I wanted to try to do a monologue for St. Patrick's Day, and after some quick research I found that Shakespeare really only wrote one Irish character.  So, this evening after No Exit rehearsal, I worked up this monologue from Henry V in about an hour to make it under the wire on the East coast.  Enjoy!

Monologue #13 - 12th Night, V, i - Malvolio

Another Facebook quiz guided me to Twelfth Night.  This is one of my favorite comedies.  I loved doing this show with some good friends and colleagues, Jan Swank, Ron Moyer, Sam Williams, Jason Rueter, Ryan Parker Knox, Si Issler, and Christine Bennett.  I know I'm leaving important people out, bUT the fog of time is taking its toll.  I played Toby Belch in that production, so I decided to channel Jan Swank, and try Malvolio.  Enjoy, then post your own video.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Monologue #12 - JULIUS CAESAR, II, ii - Antony

Our primary falls on the Ides of March this year.   This was recorded Saturday afternoon at the Iowa Capitol building.  Felt a bit rushed in the misty rain, waning light, and looming presence of state troopers.  Thanks to Chris and Martin for waiting patiently in the van.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Monologue #11 - MACBETH, V, I - Lady Macbeth

Today's monologue comes by way of a challenge to play one of Shakespeare's female characters.  I then took a Facebook quiz to determine which character  to play.  If you were a Ying attention to Facebook over the weekend you will have a good idea if what monologue will be released tomorrow. I filmed it in Iowa on Saturday afternoon.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Monologue # 10 As You Like It, II, vii - Jaques

The ages of man had to be included!  Don't miss the training video, then go out and record your own doing what you love to do; whether it be jogging, biking, cooking, eating, drinking, fishing, sleeping or just standing on a stage and acting!  Really, just try acting!

As You Like It Training Video - Jogging with the Bard.

This represents part of the training process with a Shakespearean monologue.  Start your day off right, the Shakespearean way!  Earlier this morning I realized that I didn't have my ear bud for my morning run, so I decided to go sans technology.  Whilst running I was amazed that I wasn't bored out of my skull, but rather, I was quite entertained by the morning sounds.  Then I remembered that I would often work on lines and scenes whilst running.  Since I'm working on the Shakespeare 52 Monologues project, I figured I'd work on the As You Like It monologue during my run.  After completing the 4 miles without technology, I took my son to school and headed over to campus with my phone to record this video, then I went straight to the theatre to record the official version.  Enjoy this training video and look for the official 10th video of the project to be posted after I get back home and get some breakfast.  BTW distracted running of doing a selfie video, whilst running and doing Shakespeare is not recommended on public thoroughfares.  Campus and park atmospheres only please.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Monologue #8 - The Tempest IV, i - Prospero

After realizing that Charity-Mika Woodard's art show "Wet" was closing at the end of this week, I had to spring into action.  I wanted to utilize the water lighting effect on location, so on Wednesday I found a piece  from the Tempest, worked on it before and between classes, and attempted to record it.  It's tricky enough to record selfie-videos, but doing so in a public location is an added challenge.  I hope I didn't freak to many people out as I was crouched down at the entrance to the gallery for 45 minutes!  In a future blog I will attempt to document my process.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Monologue #7 - Hamlet, II, ii - Hamlet

I'll never play Hamlet, and I love it when Shakespeare allows his characters to talk about the the power of theatre.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Monologue #6 - A Midsummer Night's Dream, V, i - Theseus

I love this one as it celebrates the poet's ability to transform imagination into artistry.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Do you want to play a game?

While I work on my next monologue, let's play a little game of "Guess the Monologue".   Here's a clue:  I might be a madman, but I think you're going to love this one, because it comes from our favorite dramatic poet.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Monologue #3 Macbeth I, vii - Macbeth

Today I return to Macbeth.  Today we find ourselves in a political climate full of candidates with nothing more than vaulting ambition which o'erleaps itself, and falls on the other.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Monologue # 1 Sir Thomas More, Act II, scene iv

I chose this one for it's relevance to the current refugee crisis.
Welcome to the Shakespeare  52 Monologues Project.  This blog will be used to document my quest to honor the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's passing by recording 52 monologues performed by me by December 31, 2016.  Why 52?  That is a very good  question.  Let's see if you can guess the answer.